- A holistic look at the key technologies shaping the future of finance: leading use cases from around the world and the secret to their local implementation
- Three tech priorities for 2020. Are we equipped for the future?
- Combining technologies: the interplay of AI, cloud, blockchain, 5G and quantum computing. How can these technologies work together to create future opportunities?
- Asia as a key center of technology-driven innovation. Will it lead the way? How can Europe remain a proactive participant in this race?
- A risk manager’s toolkit: cybersecurity as one of the top risks facing financial institutions
- Digital trust: the role of digital ID in securing citizen identity and preventing fraud. Use cases
- Preventing cyberattacks: new strategies and best practices related to protecting data and complying with regulation in an era of open platforms and marketplace economics. Examples from around the world

Cloud Solutions, Emerging Tech & Security
Convenience meets safety!
What we'll be talking about

Who should come

Have you decided on a direction and defined the tech priorities in your organization? Representatives of incumbent financial institutions, tech giants, fintechs, tech innovators, regulators or investors – this is where you want to go to learn more!
Keep the change constant!
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