Meet our speaker - Zofia Smełka-Leszczyńska

Zofia Smełka-Leszczyńska

Zofia Smełka-Leszczyńska

Zofia Smełka-Leszczyńska



Psychologist, cultural studies scholar, qualitative researcher, and semiotician.

For several years, she worked in the creative departments of advertising agencies and later transitioned to working in strategy departments. She has worked for agencies such as McCann, Havas, K2, Stratosfera, and Hill and Knowlton. Currently, she operates as an independent strategic consultant. A recipient of numerous industry awards, including KTR, Effie, Silver Drum, and Sabre Awards. She is also a co-author of initiatives aimed at achieving gender equality in key bodies within the advertising industry.

In her academic pursuits, she focuses on issues related to political communication and narratives concerning work in Poland. She is the author of two cultural studies books.