Meet our speaker - Katarzyna Andrzejczyk-Briks

Katarzyna Andrzejczyk-Briks

Katarzyna Andrzejczyk-Briks

Concordia Design

Katarzyna Andrzejczyk-Briks

Concordia Design


Art historian, curator and lecturer in the history of art and design at School of Form, SWPS University in Warsaw and Collegium da Vinci in Poznan. She teaches classes on trend analysis at Lazarski University and WSB Merito in Szczecin.

Expert of the team of Concordia Design in PoznaƄ on trend analysis and signals of change. She cooperates with the consulting team. She uses her knowledge of change in her work with designers and companies to create new, responsive products, services and experiences that meet the changing needs and values of users. She is a trainer and co-creator of the Available Design program popularizing knowledge about universal design and accessibility. She believes that everything designed forms a story about us – our needs, fears, aspirations and dreams and by designing the present we also influence the future. Therefore, it is always worth considering whether we are good designers of the future for ourselves, our descendants and the planet?

About the future, trends and signals of change