Meet our speaker - Alina Adamowicz

Alina Adamowicz

Alina Adamowicz

Alina Adamowicz



Psychologist, specialist in psychotraumatology and neuropsychology, lecturer in applied positive psychology. Author and co-author of bestselling guidebooks, including: “How to Silence Your Inner Critic and Believe in Yourself,” ‘Never Be Ashamed of Yourself,’ ”Super Relationship. How to create a good and lasting relationship”, ‘Your words have power’. Co-author of the psychological novel “Don’t wait any longer”.

Founder of the Positive Women’s Academy Association. Owner of the Center for Positive Therapy and Psychology. Certified coach. Experienced manager. For more than a dozen years she worked in banking as a director managing large teams and projects. Creator and host of the “Infernally Honest” Podcast.
Mentor at the Girlsfutureready Foundation for young girls from Generation Z. She runs the popular social media psychological and development profile @alka_positive.