Meet our speaker - Tomasz Rożek

Tomasz Rożek

Tomasz Rożek

Nauka To Lubię

Tomasz Rożek

Nauka To Lubię



I am a physicist by training, but a science journalist by profession. I did my PhD in physical sciences (with a specialisation in nuclear physics) at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry of the University of Silesia and at the Forschungszentrum in Jülich.
I am the recipient of numerous journalism awards and head the science section of the weekly newspaper Gość Niedzielny on a daily basis.
I run workshops, lectures and… the Science. I Like It, whose mission is to popularise science and new technologies among both adults and children and to teach critical thinking.
I collaborate or have collaborated with many media outlets including: editors: Pytanie na Śniadanie, Teleexpress, Dzień Dobry TVN, Wiedzą i Życiem, National Geographic magazine, Gazeta Wyborcza, Rzeczpospolita, Focus magazine. I was the author and host of the programme Sonda2 on TVP2. As well as radio programmes: “Questions from Space” and Club Trójka, and I currently host the programme “Questions from the Moon” on Radio 357.