Meet our speaker - Wiktoria Nowak
Wiktoria Nowak
Wiktoria Nowak- Project Manager at the OFF School Foundation. Second degree student of Labour Market Organisation at the University of Warsaw. Co-founded one of the largest pro-frequency actions in Poland in October 2023, ‘Girls for the Elections’. The action has now evolved into an association that actively promotes young women’s participation in politics, regardless of views. She served two terms in the Parliament of the University of Warsaw and was a Student Senator in the Senate of the University of Warsaw. She sits on the Teaching Council at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, where she represents the voice of the students of her faculty. She is a finalist of the ‘I am a Leader’ programme, which selects 21 outstandingly committed young women from all over Poland every year. This year she was selected to represent Poland at the US Summit Vital Voices, where out of 100 engaged women only 8 are from Poland. Her action now is the gene bOOst project. She is implementing it as part of her work at the OFF School Foundation. It is a pioneering project on a global scale that focuses on building intergenerational communication bridges. As part of the initiative, the younger generations take on the role of educators, training managers and professionals of large companies.