Edward Blomstedt
Founder and creator of AirFaas, www.airfaas.com, an digital manufacturing ecosystem that allows factories to focus on manufacturing, quality and customer satisfaction. AirFaas radically reduces administrative work, saves money and also helps factories inside the ecosystem to get new customers or subcontractors worldwide. It allows OEM's to reach GPO and sustainability within their supply chain.
Edward Blomstedt's latest creation, the unique AirFaas concept (www.airfaas.com), illustrates a CEO with special interests in industry disruption, internationalization and client value. Previous hands-on-experience is building and marketing the company Combi Works (www.combiworks.com) in the highly competitive industrial sector of Northern Europe, including setting up a supply network in Asia and Eastern Europe comprising several production disciplines. Doing business in Finnish, Swedish, Russian and English.
Frequent Keynote speaker in various business events, seminars and industrial exhibitions throughout Europe.
Earlier experience in the analyst field has given Edward an analytic philosophy resulting in building a system for providing big business leaders the information needed for every day decision making.
Specialties: Building Sales in Northern Europe and procurement in Eastern countries has built a solid business experience and a strong network spanning the globe. Experienced in overcoming diverse issues and buffering the cultural differences lying within.
Living in Russia and experiencing the turbulence seen in Russia during the years 1991-1997 has provided a special insight into the culture and into disruptive situations in general.