That’s why – together with Ernest Kuchar MD, PhD from the Medical University of Warsaw – we’ve developed Procedures related to Sanitary-Epidemiological Welfare at Impact’20 Connected Edition which meets 100% of current safety requirements and administrative guidelines.

dr hab. Ernest Kuchar, WUM
In addition, every member of staff that will interact with guests on venue grounds will be tested for COVID-19 by Warsaw Genomics prior to the event.

Procedures related to Sanitary-Epidemiological Welfare at Impact’20 Connected Edition
48h prior to the event every participant will receive an information form which he/she will be requested to fill out electronically – making entrance to the event smoother and easier.
- At the entrance, each participant will have to pass through a disinfecting gate which will spray that participant with an ant-viral and antibacterial solution that isn’t in any way harmful to humans. It will be located right next to the entrance.
- After passing through the gate a member of the medical staff (in a mask, visor and gloves) will – using a contactless thermometer – take the temperature of participants and ask them to disinfect their hands.
- After the participant’s temperature has been verified and his/her hands disinfected he/she will be directed to a station (1 of 3) to sign a declaration-of-health form. There a member of our staff will verify if that participant sent in a form electronically. If yes, that person is directed to registration. If not, that participant is directed to one of 3 stations (located at cocktail tables, to be disinfected after each use). The forms are verified and approved by our staff – only after positive approval is the participant directed to the registration desk.
- Participants who have been approved for entry head for the registration desk. There the participant provides his/her first and last name. He is then searched for and verified using an excel, spreadsheet-based system.
- Following registration the participant picks up his/her protection kit – prepared ahead of time, disinfected and containing: an ID badge, lanyard (showing what level of distancing he/she wishes to maintain), gloves, a mask, disinfectant as well as event guidelines and a map.
a) entrance and exit to event marked in seperate places, so that too many participants don’t gather in a single space
b) each zone (catering, chillout, meeting, makeup) is equipped with a station featuring hand sanitizer, masks and gloves
c) each of the spaces, including the meeting room, is arranged in a way (including furniture) that meets current social distancing regulations.
d) a disinfection station, featuring hand sanitizer masks and gloves will, will be placed in proximity to each room where roundtable meetings will be held.
e) TV zones also feature disinfection stations with hand sanitizer, masks and gloves
f) information regarding social distancing: 1.5m (current for August 6th)
g) all seating and tables will be disinfected after being used by a participant
h) medical staff on-site, trained in dealing with COVID-19
i) each point where hands can be disinfected – features instructions on properly disinfecting hands
j) each point where masks are distributed – features an instruction for properly putting on and taking of masks
k) each point where gloves are distributed – features an instruction for properly putting on and taking of gloves
l) on-site staff will verify if participants on venue grounds have masks on correctly
m) catering/coffee zone:
- meals/drinks will be served directly by staff members
- participants of the meetings/event can consume meals on venue grounds only while respecting social distancing guidelines
- in the meals being organized on venue grounds, sanitary-epidemiological guidelines for the gastronomical industry shall apply
- each table equipped with hand sanitizer for use before a meal
- a spot occupied by a given participant will be disinfected instantly after he/she leaves
- two locations of the coffee zones, outside the main catering zone, equipped in a way that allows for appropriate distancing (floor stickers or rope)
- masks can be removed in the catering and coffee zone
- participants can’t leave either zone with food or beverages. When leaving either zone participants are obligated to put their masks back on.
- in the catering and coffee zones, coffee and snacks are handed out by staff members wearing masks, visors and gloves
- the above regulations are visible at the entrance to the catering and coffee zones
n) toilets
- liquid soap and paper towels (the use of dryers is not permitted)
- visible instruction for putting on and taking off masks as well as gloves
- visible instructions for properly washing your hands
- visible instructions for properly disinfecting your hands
- markings on the floor indicating how to stay in line with current social distancing guidelines
- increased frequency of washing toilets
- station for hand sanitation as well as glove, mask distribution
l) staff
- separate entrance for staff, armed with a disinfecting gates and featuring temperature measurement by members of medical staff
- staff members provided with visors, gloves and masks
- a rotation system for taking breaks
- regular monitoring of health including temperature measurement
- separate coffee zone for staff