11 - 12 May 2022
Poznań Congress Center
11 - 12 May 2022
Poznań Congress Center
What is Impact’22?
Impact’22 is the most prestigious economic and technological event in Central and Eastern Europe, attended by top managers from the largest global companies, policy makers, regulators, eminent scientists, as well as world-class experts and speakers.
What distinguishes Impact ’22
- an above-average number of foreign guests and speakers among the 100 most influential people in the world according to the Times magazine,
- talks and workshops focusing on the analysis of future and ongoing changes,
- a platform for exchanging experiences and acquiring new business contacts,
- accompanying events during which the most current economic and economic topics are discussed,
- the latest reports, research and market analyzes conducted by Polish and global companies.
What to expect?
In-depth, interactive sessions on selected thematic tracks. Inspiration at your fingertips!
Meetings of small groups of experts aimed at finding a solution beneficial to all stakeholders.
Networking Cocktail
A cocktail get together allowing to expand the network of contacts in an informal atmosphere.
Impact Art
Concerts, exhibitions, meetings with artists, live performances.
Pitching session to present the best startups in Europe.
Impact’22 Top Speakers
The most important business question of our time is:
How to stay innovative?
We will hear the answer to this question at Impact’22, where Erin Meyer will perform #NaScenieImpact and talk about the best-selling book from the New York Times list, which she wrote with Netflix CEO Reed Hastings. The story of the streaming giant that leaves the competition far behind and amazes business model researchers with its management style.
Prof. Yuval Noah Harari
Po raz pierwszy na żywo w Polsce już 11 maja!
Yuval Noah Harari to izraelski intelektualista, historyk i profesor na Wydziale Historii na Uniwersytecie Hebrajskim w Jerozolimie. Jego książki “Sapiens: od zwierząt do bogów”, “Homo deus”, “Krótka historia jutra” oraz ”21 lekcji na XXI wiek” stały się międzynarodowymi bestsellerami, które przetłumaczono na 65 języków, w tym polski. Jak dotąd sprzedano ich 35 milionów egzemplarzy. Dzieła artysty zaliczane są do nurtu Big History, w którym śledzi się ogromne przedziały czasowe z multidyscyplinarnej perspektywy.
Yuval Noah Harari
Mateusz Morawiecki
Justyna Orłowska
Marcin Piątkowski
Marta Poślad
Natalia Hatalska
Adam Niedzielski
Paweł Borys
Beata Daszyńska-Muzyczka
Mats Gunnarsson
Dariusz Piotrowski
Janusz Cieszyński
Erin Meyer
Anna Lewandowska
Wiktor Janicki
Jacek Jaśkowiak
Bartosz Ciołkowski
Piotr Dardziński
Tomasz Chróstny
Stefan Batory
Peter Bakenecker
Carl Bildt
Jeffrey Pfeffer
Alina Polyakova
Martin Sandbu
Tomasz Suchański
Aleksandra Sroka-Krzyżak
Jacek Jastrzębski
Mario Shiliashki
Przemysław Gdański
Bogdan de Barbaro
Marek Woźniak
Thematic tracks
See speeches from previous Impact editions!
We invite you to our YouTube channel, where you can find speeches of our speakers from previous Impact editions! See what you can expect during the next Impact!