Answers to key questions. Groundbreaking conclusions.
The metropolis is perfectly situated in the center of Central and Eastern Europe, at the crossroads of trans-European roads. 21 million people live within a radius of 200 km from the GZM.
Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowska Metropolia (GZM) is the first metropolitan association in Poland. Priority is not only ennoblement, but also a number of hitherto unknown challenges and needs. Opportunities for economic development, unprecedented in the country, are possible thanks to innovative methods of managing a modern metropolis, cooperation between the business sphere and science under the aegis of local governments and with the support of business environment institutions. GZM becomes a competitive growth center through the integration of local activities and their coordination.
As a President of the Board of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH), the question I'm asked most often by investors is: “Why Poland?” That’s why I asked my talented team of experts to prepare this publication. In it we highlight, out of many, the FIVE BEST REASONS TO CHOOSE POLAND. And that’s precisely what you’ll find on the pages that follow. I would, however, like to add a SIXTH – my experienced, knowledgeable and enthusiastic team of people, each of whom is committed to providing investors with the highest standard of professional support. This helps them to make successful investments and – in turn, has a positive impact on Poland’s economy.
We hope to welcome you to Poland in the near future.
We hope to welcome you to Poland in the near future.
Krzysztof Drynda
Impact finance'20
This year's study - Polish Startups 2020 was largely devoted to the situation caused by the Sars-COV-2 coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic has caused a real rollercoaster on the world markets. This situation also applies to Poland. Some experienced a significant economic slowdown, others doubled or tripled the revenue from their services or products. The study aims to diagnose how Polish startups found themselves in this situation, how the pandemic affected their business, and what possibilities of financial support offered by the state turned out to be the best. The goal is also to forecast the situation for the coming months.
Tomasz Snażyk, Startup Poland
Magdalena Jagieło, Startup Poland
Paulina Król, Startup Poland
Marta Pawlak, Startup Poland
Karol Jedliński,
Partners: Google, PFR, PFR Ventures, ARP, PKN Orlen
September and October brought record numbers of coronavirus infections, and the society and the economy have been facing limitations in normal functioning for the eighth month. During this period, the concept of digitization took on a new meaning, not only determining the level and direction of our aspirations, but also being the only path enabling functioning for many areas of life. This report is an attempt to summarize the entire period of fighting the pandemic, in which many trends and phenomena observed earlier were strengthened, and others were negatively verified. This is obviously a mid-term rather than a final analysis, and at this stage almost everything is still subject to change in the economy and society fighting the pandemic.
Ignacy Święcicki, PIE
Filip Leśniewicz, PIE
Jacek Grzeszak, PIE
For a second consecutive year, the Bulgarian Fintech Association publishes a Bulgarian Fintech Report. The report aims at representing the Fintech industry in Bulgaria and measuring its progress. It deep dives into the Bulgarian Fintech financials for 2019, reveal the investments in the sector and presents the very first Bulgarian Fintech Mapping. The Report is aimed at any Fintech savvy individual and organization who would like to find out more about the emerging Fintech region of Southeastern Europe.
Authors: Bulgarian Fintech Association
Authors: Bulgarian Fintech Association
Partners: Nexo, Paysera, Paynetics, Phyre, Mastercard, Penkov, Markov and Partners, Credissimo
In 2020, global e-commerce experienced an unprecedented expansion, mainly as a result of the pandemic and the accompanying freezing of many economies. It covered many new, previously immune to digital transformation, branches, attracted tens of millions of new customers.
→ E-commerce is growing dynamically almost all over the world, accounting for an increasingly higher percentage of retail sales - globally 16-17 percent.
→ This year Poland is one of the most dynamically growing European markets (30% increase in turnover), although the share of e-commerce in the value of retail purchases is still lower than in Western countries. E-commerce turnover in 2020 will reach EUR 15 billion.Autorzy: 300 research, impact
→ E-commerce is growing dynamically almost all over the world, accounting for an increasingly higher percentage of retail sales - globally 16-17 percent.
→ This year Poland is one of the most dynamically growing European markets (30% increase in turnover), although the share of e-commerce in the value of retail purchases is still lower than in Western countries. E-commerce turnover in 2020 will reach EUR 15 billion.