Meet our speaker - Alina Pszczółkowska

Alina Pszczółkowska

Vice President of AstraZeneca Pharma Poland. Medical doctor, graduate of the Medical Academy in Katowice and the Medical University of Warsaw. In 2009, she graduated with honors from the Higher School of Management – Polish Open University and Oxford Brookes University.
She has been working in the field of clinical research and development in Poland since 1997 – she started her career as a clinical research specialist at Parexel. Since 1999, Alina has been working at AstraZeneca, where she was responsible, inter alia, for the organization and monitoring of clinical trials as well as process and quality management in this area. In the years 2012 – 2015 she was the Global Director of Clinical Research at AstraZeneca Pharma Poland and managed the organization associating the company's clinical research departments in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Thus, she became the first Director of the Clinical Research Operations Center in Poland, responsible for the global coordination of processes.
In 2016, Alina supervised phase III molecule development programs in the field of cardiology and chronic renal failure in Gothenburg, Sweden. Currently, she focuses on managing research in the field of respiratory, metabolic and cardiological diseases, and as a member of the Management Board of AstraZeneca Pharma Poland, she focuses in particular on issues such as Diversity & Inclusion and sustainability.