Meet our speaker - Anna Bak

Anna Bak

Anna Bak is an Associate Director in the Securitisation Division at The Association for Financial Markets in Europe (“AFME”) where she is responsible for developing positions on a wide variety of securitisation-related topics and representing those positions to the European institutions and international organisations, as well as a wide range of national authorities. Anna joined AFME in February 2014 to work in the Securitisation Division. She is involved in negotiating industry standpoints on many critical regulatory initiatives, including calibration of the Basel capital and liquidity rules, Solvency 2 rules, derivatives and transparency rules as well as establishing “simple transparent and standardised securitisation” under the European securitisation framework. Earlier in her career, Anna was a transaction lawyer in Amsterdam. Previously, she worked at TMF Group and later at Citco where she spent six years working on variety of ABS transactions, including RMBS, SME and auto-loans structures. Anna holds an LL.M. degree from the University of Utrecht (the Netherlands) with a specialisation in European Law and a Master of Laws degree from the University of Lodz (Poland).