- In 2019 companies such as Wefox and Alan raised millions of dollars in funding. What does that mean for the current status of the insurtech industry and which three innovations in insurance should we be watching right now?
- Embracing connected technologies – living in a world of where consumers receive personalised, variable insurance premiums
- Changing consumer needs: which three technologies will play the biggest part in addressing them?
- Insurance beyond digital: The rise of ecosystems and platforms
- What does the cooperation between Uber and Inshur mean for the insurance industry and digital insurance future?
- Insurance telemetrics: how important are they? How can they be used in the insurance industry, especially in terms of AI-based applications?

Ensure that you’re ready for the future of protection!
What we'll be talking about

Who should come

Interested in how new data sources, analytics and AI are causing a revolution in the insurance industry? Want to take advantage? Representatives of incumbent insurance institutions, tech giants, entrepreneurs, insurance innovators, venture capital funds, fintechs – this one’s for you!
Keep the change constant!
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