- In September 2019, during the climate Week in New York City 130 banks from 49 countries launched the Principles for Responsible Banking. What are they designed for and is that the turning point for sustainable finance solutions?
- What are the recommendations on how to design collaboration between multinationals, financial institutions and start-ups in order to better harness fintech to help solve sustainability challenges in the real economy?
- What are the digital innovations and technologies to be applied to make finance more sustainable? Global use cases and digital financial products.
- How to create a modern, sustainable financial industry?
- How to initiate a shift towards innovation in the financial sector that supports the advancement of Sustainable Development Goals?
- What are the investment opportunities and challenges in climate change?

Sustainable Fintech
Unlocking green finance!
What we'll be talking about

Who should come

Want to challenge your industry and become more sustainable? Representatives of incumbent financial institutions, tech giants, techpreneurs, fintechs, payment innovators, venture capital funds – you’ve got to be there!
Keep the change constant!
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