Meet our speaker - Izabela Grabowska

Izabela Grabowska

Izabela Grabowska

Kozminski University

Izabela Grabowska

Kozminski University


Professor of social sciences; sociologist and economist; graduate of the University of Warsaw (Ph.D. in economics), graduate of University College Dublin (M.A. in economics), University of Wroclaw (M.A. in sociology); the procedure of professor of social sciences was conducted by IFiS PAN. Scholarship holder of the Foundation for Polish Science. She held research stays at Humboldt Universiät in Berlin (ERC grant) and Utrecht University in the Netherlands (visiting professor). She has promoted 3 doctorates (another 3 on completion) and more than 70 master’s theses. She has authored 50 publications in prestigious international and Polish publications. She has obtained many prestigious research grants, including H2020 and NCN: OPUS, Sonata Bis, Harmonia and KBM.