Meet our speaker - Tristan Vouga

Tristan Vouga

Tristan Vouga


Tristan Vouga



Tristan Vouga is CEO and co-founder of TWIICE, a startup dedicated to helping humans reconnect with their community thanks to wearable robotics.

His research is at the interface between humans and machines. Exploring physical and behavioral interaction is key to creating a seamless and symbiotic link. He develops AI models that learn how to best interact with humans in two unexplored modalities: physical shape and movement.

During his PhD, he developed the technology behind TWIICE and led the team that won the silver medal at the cybernetics Olympic Games called Cybathlon.

In 2014, he developed the exoskeleton for what became the world’s first brain-controlled exoskeleton with the team of Prof. Miguel Nicolelis at Duke University.

Tristan Vouga is the recipient of numerous awards and distinction, including the Hilti Mechatronics Award and the PERL Prize.