Meet our speaker - Joanna Pyrkosz-Pacyna

Joanna Pyrkosz-Pacyna

Joanna Pyrkosz-Pacyna


Joanna Pyrkosz-Pacyna



Obtained her PhD in social sciences in psychology from the Jagiellonian University. Currently, she works at the Department of Society and Technology Studies and the Space Technologies Center at AGH University in Krakow. She conducts scientific research in the area of professional and educational decisions, especially in the context of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). She is the author of several publications on this subject.

Her research interests also include the field of entrepreneurship psychology. She is the author of a book – „Psychology of Entrepreneurship” and co-author of the monograph „Entrepreneurship in an unusual crisis. The experience of COVID-19”.

She serves as a Diversity and Inclusion Specialist in the project „Universeh – European Space University for Earth and Humanity”, leading the work of an international team. The aim of the project is to develope an interdisciplinary education program in the broadly understood area of space sciences. The project is created by a consortium of seven European universities from France, Sweden, Poland, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium and Italy.

Currently, she is carrying out a research project on the perception of space exploration and the willingness to undertake education and work in this sector by society, especially by students. She is interested in investigating when people support space exploration and why they (don’t) want to get involved in this field.

In following semester, she will be carrying out a research internship at the Social Change Lab at the University of Granada, Spain.