Meet our speaker - Łucja Koch

Łucja Koch

Łucja Koch

POLIN Museum

Łucja Koch

POLIN Museum


Deputy Director of Education and Sales, Head of the Strategic Programs Department
Member of the POLIN Museum staff since 2009. From 2020, as the Director’s plenipotentiary, Łucja was responsible for, among others, developing and implementing the Museum’s strategy for the years 2021-2025 and for the Education and Sales Division. Since 2018, she managed the Jewish Cultural Heritage project supported by the EEA-Norway Grants, which funds a large part of POLIN’s programs. In years 2013-2017 she headed the 1st edition of this project, which won the 2017 Europa Nostra/European Heritage Award. In the years 2013-2022, she acted as Head of the Education Department, and since 2023—Head of the Strategic Programs Department.
Łucja Koch holds a degree in sociology from the University of Warsaw and postgraduate diploma in cultural management from the Warsaw School of Economics. She was a member of the board of the Association of European Jewish Museums in years 2013-2020 and an expert in educational projects carried out by the OSCE/ODHIR, UNESCO and the Council of Europe.