Meet our speaker - Gabriela Ziółkowska-Coyne

Gabriela Ziółkowska-Coyne

Gabriela Ziółkowska-Coyne


Gabriela Ziółkowska-Coyne



A businesswoman, philanthropist, and founder of OpsTalent. A person with a big heart, sensitive to the suffering of people and animals. A charismatic speaker, a successful woman with over 20 years of experience in the industry. She advocates for building a company based on a solid organizational culture and investing in human potential, as well as building a business based on values and interpersonal relationships. Gabriela is a true leader and an inspiration to many. With a positive attitude towards the world, she firmly believes in the power of others.

For years, quietly and without the need for publicity, she has supported private individuals and institutions. Founder of the OpsTalent Foundation and initiator of the „Make a Wish” program, which assists those in need, reported by OpsTalenter’s and their families.

Over 12 years, she built an outsourcing company from scratch, which today employs over 500 people, providing services globally in two main divisions:
1) Multilingual customer service / Customer service;
2) Software development

Currently, OpsTalent is earning awards/recognitions/accolades from the largest organizations in its sector, only deepening her ambition to be a global leader in her industry.