Meet our speaker - Katarzyna Gryzło

Katarzyna Gryzło

Katarzyna Gryzło


Katarzyna Gryzło




Kasia Gryzło, CEO of HearMe & Emplomind (UK)
Believes in a world where people don’t get stomachaches from stress at work. At HearMe & Emplomind, she is responsible for strategy, financing, and most importantly, people (ensuring everyone feels they are in the right place, which allows them to realize their potential).

Over the course of four years, HearMe and Emplomind have acquired over a hundred B2B clients in Poland, the United Kingdom, and the USA, with 97% of users saying they would recommend HearMe to a friend.

It is said that the sound of her laughter reaches up to three floors, but no one has scientifically proven this yet.