Meet our speaker - Dorota Minta

Dorota Minta

Dorota Minta

Dorota Minta



Psychologist, educator and psychotherapist for adolescents and adults. She works with patients experiencing, among other things, depressed mood and dissatisfaction with the quality of their lives, low self-esteem, eating disorders, difficulties in separation and relationship breakdown. She conducts trainings and workshops to help improve assertiveness, interpersonal communication and creativity.

She promotes awareness of PTG (Post-traumatic Growth), the positive psychological change we can experience as a result of crisis or adversity.

Author of educational programs, including „Good Relationships with Patients” aimed at medical professionals teaching effective doctor-patient communication.

Lecturer at Korczak University, author of the postgraduate program at the university’s Department of Psychology.
Long-time president of the Association of Polish Psychologists.
President of the STOMAlife Foundation, supporting people with stomas.
Member of the Expert Council of the THINKTHANK Research and Opinion Center. Co-author of reports describing the Polish psychosocial reality.

Co-author of a program on Radio 357 „Poland on the couch”, popularizing psychological issues.

She also shares her psychological knowledge in other media:
author of a 10-episode series of video talks on coping with stress, anxiety and finding oneself in a new reality for the National Health Fund in the pandemic,
She appears on Good Morning TVN, TVP’s Questions for Breakfast, TVN24, POLSAT News, and gives interviews to the lifestyle and specialized press as an expert in psychology.

She graduated from psychology with a clinical specialization at the University of Wroclaw, the Academy of Special Pedagogy in Warsaw and the University of Economics in Wroclaw. She has conducted original classes as an academic lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Wroclaw, the University of Lower Silesia and the Warsaw University of Life Sciences.