Meet our speaker - Dominika Kawalerowicz

Dominika Kawalerowicz

Dominika Kawalerowicz

Wroclaw Institute of Culture

Dominika Kawalerowicz

Wroclaw Institute of Culture


Dominika Kawalerowicz – cultural manager. Since 2021 director of the Wroclaw Institute of Culture, previously associated with the Wroclaw Culture Zone and the European Capital of Culture Wroclaw 2016 project, among others. Graduate of Cultural Studies at the University of Wroclaw and postgraduate studies for culture managers „Academy of Culture Leaders” conducted by the University of Economics in Krakow and the National Center for Culture. She worked in the organizing committee of the Wrocław Congress of Culture, co-created strategic documents for Wrocław culture: „Current Culture” and „Diagnosis of Wroclaw Culture 2018-2023”. Member of the informal nationwide think-thank „Coalition of Cities for Culture”.