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Hour Topic Speaker
09:45 - 10:10
MC on stage General Session
Dan Ram
10:10 - 10:30
Keynote Europe at the End of the World General Session
Peter Zeihan
10:30 - 10:55
Moderated discussion The End of the World Is Just the Beginning: Mapping the Collapse of Globalization General Session
Peter Zeihan Krzysztof Krawczyk CVC Capital Partners Michał Gajewski Santander Bank Polska Marci Shore Yale UniversityModerator: Huma Abedin
10:55 - 11:00
Intro General Session
Marek Woźniak Marszałek Województwa Wielkopolskiego
11:00 - 11:10
Keynote AI for Science is at the Heart of Progress General Session
Nicklas Lundblad Google DeepMind
11:10 - 11:15
General Session
11:15 - 11:35
Fireside chat General Session
Radosław Sikorski Ministerstwo Spraw ZagranicznychModerator: Huma Abedin
11:35 - 12:00
Moderated discussion Democracy at War General Session
Ivan Krastev Centre for Liberal Strategies Alexander Soros Open Society Foundations Anne Applebaum The AtlanticModerator: Sławomir Sierakowski Krytyka Polityczna
12:00 - 12:10
Keynote New Faces of Threats: The Role of National Defense in a Dynamic World General Session
Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej
12:10 - 12:20
Keynote General Session
Rafał Brzoska InPost
12:20 - 12:35
Fireside chat From Screen to Stage: Jesse Eisenberg in the Spotlight General Session
Jesse Eisenberg Moderator: Gabi Drzewiecka ChilliZet
12:35 - 13:00
Break General Session
13:00 - 13:05
Digital Future
Dan Ram
13:05 - 13:15
Keynote AI needs You Digital Future
Verity Harding Cambridge University
13:15 - 13:25
Keynote State of Intelligent Digitization Digital Future
Krzysztof Gawkowski Wicepremier
13:25 - 13:45
Moderated discussion AI and Society: Impact on Life and Work Digital Future
Verity Harding Cambridge University Nicklas Lundblad Google DeepMind David Hogan Nvidia Anna Pawlak-Kuliga IKEA RetailModerator: Dan Ram
13:45 - 13:55
Keynote What is sovereign AI and why it matters Digital Future
David Hogan Nvidia
13:55 - 14:10
Keynote 5 Most Commonly Made Mistakes in the Public Sphere - Subjective Ranking Digital Future
Kamila Kalińczak ĄĘ
14:10 - 14:30
Moderated discussion AI - Revolution, Apocalypse, or Great Disappointment? Digital Future
Aleksandra Przegalińska Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego Michał Dżoga Intel Artur Kurasiński Three Headed MonsterModerator: Konrad Piasecki Warner Bros. Discovery
14:30 - 14:40
Keynote Leadership in the era of AI Digital Future
Anna Pawlak-Kuliga IKEA Retail
14:40 - 15:05
Moderated discussion AI: Company Strategy and Customer Experience Digital Future
Jakub Borowiec PwC Daniel Cohen PayU GPO Monika Röhr-Łukasik FoundeverModerator: Aleksandra Przegalińska Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego
15:05 - 15:15
Digital Future
15:15 - 15:35
Moderated discussion The Evolution of Digitalization: Rethinking the Future of Technology Digital Future
Marcin Lebiecki Asseco Cloud Adam Sawicki Warner Bros. Discovery Magdalena Zmitrowicz Pekao S.A. Patryk Nowakowski Santander Bank PolskaModerator: Sebastian Ogórek
15:35 - 15:45
Keynote What if we invested 100 billion PLN into digitalisation in Poland? Digital Future
Maciej Zieliński Siemens Poland
15:45 - 16:00
Fireside chat What exactly is the marketplace model? A Polish love brand has a new offer for Eastern Europe Digital Future
Roy Perticucci AllegroModerator: Raphael Minder Financial Times
16:00 - 16:20
Moderated discussion Can small and medium-sized countries from the CEE region participate in the AI revolution? Digital Future
Rocco Bräuniger Amazon Ignacy Niemczycki Ministerstwo Rozwoju i Technologii Patrick Warnking Andrzej J. Kozłowski EmitelModerator: Katarzyna Dębek Forbes
16:20 - 16:25
Digital Future
16:25 - 16:40
Fireside chat How to be "Team Human" in the digital future? Digital Future
Stefanie Hegels VW PoznańModerator: Dan Ram
16:40 - 17:00
Moderated discussion Ethical Implications of AI: Redefining Digital Futures Digital Future
David Roberts Allegro Mohammed Amin Dell Technologies Magdalena Wilczyńska NASK Tomasz Grabowski Agora SAModerator: Kate Lechowicz Impact
17:00 - 17:05
Digital Future
17:05 - 17:25
Moderated discussion Cybersecurity Challenges in the AI-Driven Era Digital Future
Dariusz Piotrowski Dell Technologies Adam Marczyński NASK Przemysław Kania Cisco Agnieszka Wiercińska-Krużewska WKB LawyersModerator: Sebastian Ogórek
17:25 - 17:40
Keynote The Exoplanet revolution Digital Future
Didier Queloz University of Cambridge ETH Zurich
17:40 - 17:55
Fireside chat Digital Future
Stefan Batory BooksyModerator: Dan Ram
17:55 - 18:00
General Session
18:00 - 18:45
Keynote General Session
Esther Perel
18:45 - 19:05
Moderated discussion The Future of Connection: Vision for Relationships, Business and Tech General Session
Esther Perel Magdalena Sobkowiak-Czarnecka KPRM Marta Życińska Mastercard Dorota Żurkowska Warner Bros. DiscoveryModerator: Anna Gromada
Hour Topic Speaker
13:05 - 13:10
Global Economy & Banking
Bianca Lopes
13:10 - 13:35
Moderated discussion The New Economic Era: From Globalization to Deglobalization Global Economy & Banking
Robert Dobrzycki Panattoni Joanna Kijas-Janiszowska IKEA Retail Jagoda Zakrzewska Google Andrzej Leder Moderator: Bogusław Chrabota
13:35 - 14:00
Moderated discussion Global Economy Debate Global Economy & Banking
Marek Belka Parlament Europejski Maciej Reluga Santander Bank Polska Adam Manikowski Żabka Group Marcin Gadomski Piotr Arak VeloBankModerator: Anna Gromada
14:00 - 14:15
Fireside chat The role of the financial sector in financing the Polish economy - opportunities and challenges Global Economy & Banking
Jacek Jastrzębski Komisja Nadzoru FinansowegoModerator: Marek Chądzyński 300Gospodarka
14:15 - 14:25
Keynote Global Economy & Banking
Joanna Tyrowicz Rada Polityki Pieniężnej
14:25 - 14:30
Financial Tech
14:30 - 14:50
Moderated discussion Prospects for shaping the European payment ecosystem Financial Tech
Martín Azcue López Bizum Teresa Mesquita SIBS Michał Szymański BLIK SKModerator: Dariusz Mazurkiewicz BLIK
14:50 - 15:10
Moderated discussion AI-Powered Finance: Unleashing Potential, Navigating Risks Financial Tech
Mirosław Skiba SGB Bank Przemysław Koch VeloBank Magdalena Proga-Stępień Santander Bank Polska Łukasz Buczko Google CloudModerator: Damian Szymański
15:10 - 15:35
Moderated discussion Future of Digital Security: How Financial Institutions are Adapting to Growing Threats Financial Tech
Patrick Trinkler CYSEC Artur Głembocki Santander Bank Polska Ziemowit Bagłajewski Rzecznik Finansowy Błażej Szczecki Moderator: Bianca Lopes
15:35 - 15:50
Fireside chat Financial Tech
Daniel Cohen PayU GPOModerator: Bianca Lopes
15:50 - 16:20
Teleturniej VAiBanque Financial Tech
Małgorzata Domagała Mastercard Bartłomiej Nocoń Związek Banków Polskich Paweł Ławecki OChK Agnieszka Bochacka PwC
16:20 - 16:45
Moderated discussion Building Competitiveness: Global Race of Central European Companies Capital Markets
Dawid Jakubowicz Kulczyk Investments Artur Olech PZU Magdalena Magnuszewska Alsendo Rafał Ogrodnik Warner Bros. Discovery Przemysław Krych Cornerstone Investment ManagementModerator: Grzegorz Nawacki
16:45 - 17:00
Fireside chat Why does Warsaw need a Stock Exchange Capital Markets
Tomasz Bardziłowski GPWModerator: Grzegorz Nawacki
17:00 - 17:25
Moderated discussion Why the Stock Market is Not a Casino Capital Markets
Marcin Wlazło Pekao S.A. Wojciech Hann KPMG Katarzyna Szwarc Rockbridge Piotr Krupa Kruk S.A.Moderator: Grzegorz Nawacki
17:25 - 17:35
Keynote Small screen, big future for banking - how Poles use banking apps Financial Tech
Aleksandra Sowulewska Mastercard
17:35 - 17:55
Moderated discussion "I want to mean the world to you" - should the banking app rule the smartphone? Financial Tech
Katarzyna Tomczyk-Czykier Credit Agricole Piotr Puchalski mBank Michał Macierzyński PKO Bank Polski Bartosz Zborowski Pekao S.A.Moderator: Tomasz Zań Mastercard Advisors
17:55 - 18:05
Fireside chat Investing in gold in uncertain times Financial Tech
Bartosz Rączyński Mennica ApartModerator: Anna Wittenberg
18:05 - 18:10
Financial Tech
Hour Topic Speaker
13:00 - 13:05
Green Economy
Paweł Oksanowicz
13:05 - 13:20
Fireside chat How to stimulate innovation to make Europe sustainable, prosperous, and strong? Green Economy
Rocco Bräuniger AmazonModerator: Paweł Oksanowicz
13:20 - 13:40
Moderated discussion AI in the Service of the Planet: Sustainable Development and Technological Breakthroughs Green Economy
Ian Roberts Buhler Marta Mikliszańska AllegroModerator: Dominika Tarczyńska Polsat News
13:40 - 13:55
Fireside chat Let's Save the Planet Green Economy
Dan Levine Tenfore HoldingsModerator: Renata Kim Newsweek
13:55 - 14:15
Moderated discussion Green Transformation: The New Age of Sustainability Green Economy
Przemysław Słowik Partia Zieloni Marek Lelątko Enea Joanna Smolik BGK Andrzej Czerwiński Moderator: Paweł Czuryło Rzeczpospolita
14:15 - 14:35
Moderated discussion Circular Economy: Rethinking Resource Use for a Sustainable Future Green Economy
Donata Wolińska L'Oreal Ewa Janczukowicz-Cichosz LPP Marcin Terebelski BGK Beata Frankiewicz-Boniecka Pekao S.A.Moderator: Paweł Oksanowicz
14:35 - 14:40
Green Economy
14:40 - 14:50
Keynote The power of WE: re-defining the fashion industry Green Economy
Matteo Ward WRÅD
14:50 - 15:10
Moderated discussion Business Transformation through ESG: The Path to Sustainable Growth Green Economy
Izabela Karolczyk-Szafrańska InPost Mariusz Mielczarek Amazon Rafał Rudzki Żabka Group Marcin Gadomski Moderator: Krzysztof Berenda RMF FM
15:10 - 15:15
Keynote Accelerating Poland's Green Agenda: The Potential of Google Cloud Green Economy
Agnieszka Borkowska Google Cloud
15:15 - 15:35
Moderated discussion 10X Green Agenda for Poland Green Economy
Jarosław Zarychta Google Cloud Julia Patorska Deloitte Barbara Mroczek URE Piotr Mietkowski BNP ParibasModerator: Paweł Oksanowicz
15:35 - 15:40
15:40 - 15:55
Fireside chat Green energy: Balancing profit and purpose Energy
Marek Garniewski ORLEN VCModerator: Paweł Oksanowicz
15:55 - 16:15
Moderated discussion Europe's Energy Security Energy
Jędrzej Marciniak Credit Agricole Dalida Gepfert EneaModerator: Paweł Oksanowicz
16:15 - 16:35
Fireside chat Geopolitical dynamics in energy Energy
Krzysztof Kilian Moderator: Konrad Piasecki Warner Bros. Discovery
16:35 - 16:55
Moderated discussion Decarbonising Industry Energy
Marcin Karasiński PKP Intercity Radosław Sowiński BGK Krzysztof Bolesta Ministerstwo Klimatu i Środowiska Stanisław Barański ORLEN S.A.Moderator: Kornel Koronowski Statkraft
16:55 - 17:10
Fireside chat The Role of Energy Transformation in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals Energy
Tomasz Zadroga Respect EnergyModerator: Ryszard Kolasiński Polityka Insight
17:10 - 17:25
Fireside chat Can Artificial Intelligence shape the future of sustainable energy? Energy
Magdalena Hilszer K-SSEModerator: Paweł Oksanowicz
17:25 - 17:30
Hour Topic Speaker
13:00 - 13:05
Defence & Cybersecurity
Igor Sokołowski
13:05 - 13:15
Keynote New Technologies in the service of national security Defence & Cybersecurity
Jacek Siewiera
13:15 - 13:30
Keynote Timothy Snyder on Ukraine, Russia, America - and What’s at Stake Defence & Cybersecurity
Timothy Snyder Yale University
13:30 - 13:45
Fireside chat European Sovereignty Defence & Cybersecurity
Rajmund Andrzejczak Moderator: Marek Świerczyński Polityka Insight
13:45 - 14:10
Moderated discussion How do modern technologies impact the success of military operations? Defence & Cybersecurity
Jacek Pszczoła Alioth Foundation Ron Clark WestExec AdvisorsModerator: Marek Świerczyński Polityka Insight
14:10 - 14:20
Keynote Challenges and Opportunities of Advanced Technologies Defence & Cybersecurity
Ron Clark WestExec Advisors
14:20 - 14:40
Fireside chat Will drones determine the outcome of wars? Defence & Cybersecurity
Haluk Bayraktar BaykarModerator: Sławomir Sierakowski Krytyka Polityczna
14:40 - 15:00
Moderated discussion AI on the digital front - opportunities, benefits, and challenges associated with the use of AI in the armed forces responsible for cybersecurity. Defence & Cybersecurity
Karol Molenda Dowódca Komponentu Wojsk Obrony Cyberprzestrzeni Jürgen Setzer Cyber and Information Domain ServiceModerator: Ron Clark WestExec Advisors
15:00 - 15:05
Defence & Cybersecurity
15:05 - 15:25
Moderated discussion Decoding Cybersecurity in the AI Landscape: Advanced Strategies and Tactical Approaches Defence & Cybersecurity
Grzegorz Latosiński Palo Alto Networks Witold Staniszkis Google Joanna Kamińska Partia Zieloni Dariusz Piotrowski Dell TechnologiesModerator: Jacek Raubo Defence24
15:25 - 15:35
Keynote From Political Prisoner to U.S. Navy Seal Defence & Cybersecurity
Thomas Drago Dzieran Navy SEALs Fund
15:35 - 15:55
Moderated discussion Strengthening Europe's Defense Defence & Cybersecurity
Thomas Drago Dzieran Navy SEALs Fund Krystian Zięć Alioth Foundation Miłosz Momot European Commission – DG DEFISModerator: Piotr Gąstał
15:55 - 16:05
Keynote The Evolving Drone Threat Defence & Cybersecurity
Tony deMario Advanced Archer Technologies
16:05 - 16:15
Keynote Hyperscaler Responsibilities in a World of Cybercrime Defence & Cybersecurity
Werner Hoellrigl Oracle
16:15 - 16:35
Moderated discussion Drone arms race Defence & Cybersecurity
Remigiusz Wilk WB Electronics Amir Bettesh Elbit Systems Tony deMario Advanced Archer TechnologiesModerator: Piotr Gąstał
16:35 - 16:50
Fireside chat NATO and the future of our security Defence & Cybersecurity
Daniel Fried Moderator: Michał Kobosko
16:50 - 16:55
Intro Navigating challenges and innovations in urban safety Defence & Cybersecurity
Rafał Batkowski Instytut Bezpieczeństwa i Rozwoju Międzynarodowego
16:55 - 17:05
Keynote Strategies that make IMPACT: Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Defence & Cybersecurity
Paul Van Soomeren CPTED Association
17:05 - 17:35
Moderated discussion Urban security Defence & Cybersecurity
Rafał Batkowski Instytut Bezpieczeństwa i Rozwoju Międzynarodowego Paul Van Soomeren CPTED Association Francesc Guillén Lasierra Generalitat de Catalunya Lotte Fast Carlsen Nordic Safe CitiesModerator: Vivian Gravenberch DISSS
17:35 - 17:40
Defence & Cybersecurity
Hour Topic Speaker
13:00 - 13:05
Mental Health & Wellbeing
Michał Giersz
13:05 - 13:15
Keynote Psychodietetics: What impact do the latest obesity drugs have on human psyche? Mental Health & Wellbeing
Irena Krupka-Matuszczyk Śląska Wyższa Szkoła Medyczna w Katowicach
13:15 - 13:30
Fireside chat How to build a Room of One's Own Mental Health & Wellbeing
Natalia de Barbaro Moderator: Justyna Kopińska
13:30 - 13:40
Keynote Is Serotonin Your Happiness Hormone and Dopamine Your Reward System? Mental Health & Wellbeing
Sławomir Murawiec
13:40 - 14:00
Moderated discussion Brain, Education, Sex Mental Health & Wellbeing
Michał Lew-Starowicz Centrum Terapii Lew-Starowicz Andrzej Gryżewski Arte Vita Instytut Psychoterapii i SeksuologiiModerator: Janusz Schwertner
14:00 - 14:10
Keynote AI in Mental Healthcare: Reducing Admin Work & Improving Outcomes Mental Health & Wellbeing
Joseph Pomianowski Orchid
14:10 - 14:25
Fireside chat Does depression have a gender? Mental Health & Wellbeing
Bogdan de Barbaro Moderator: Magdalena Namysłowska Warszawski Ośrodek Psychoterapii i Psychitarii
14:25 - 14:35
Keynote Menopasue in action Mental Health & Wellbeing
Jagna Ambroziak
14:35 - 14:55
Moderated discussion Gen Z - loneliness Mental Health & Wellbeing
Martyna Wojciechowska UNAWEZA Joanna Flis Jan Gawroński Rzecznik Praw Dziecka Mikołaj Marcela Moderator: Janusz Schwertner
14:55 - 15:15
Moderated discussion How to help teenagers start to heal Mental Health & Wellbeing
Monika Horna-Cieślak Rzeczniczka Praw Dziecka Małgorzata Gałązka-Sobotka Instytut Zarządzania w Ochronie Zdrowia Aleksandra Lewandowska Konsultant Krajowa w dziedzinie psychiatrii dzieci i młodzieżyModerator: Wiktoria Kinik Fundacja Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę
15:15 - 15:20
Mental Health & Wellbeing
15:20 - 15:30
Keynote Psychotherapy with the use of MDMA Mental Health & Wellbeing
Katarzyna Grunt-Mejer Uniwersytet SWPS
15:30 - 15:40
Keynote You can't manage what you don't measure Mental Health & Wellbeing
Or Hever Move4Life
15:40 - 16:00
Moderated discussion Life brings us less and less joy. Depression, anxiety disorders, burnout - where to seek help? Mental Health & Wellbeing
Dorota Minta Filip Rybakowski UM w PoznaniuModerator: Anna Zimny-Zając Medonet
16:00 - 16:05
Design Manifesto
16:05 - 16:10
Intro Business well designed - DESIGN MANIFESTO 2024 Design Manifesto
Ewa Voelkel-Krokowicz Concordia Design
16:10 - 16:20
Pigułka narzędziowa Do you need to have millions to be a responsible organization? Design Manifesto
Łukasz Długowski Concordia Design
16:20 - 16:40
Moderated discussion Impact & profit. How to successfully build responsible business Design Manifesto
Dobrosława Gogłoza Jacek Ostrowski Yellow Octopus Joanna Kasowska Żabka GroupModerator: Michał Karbowiak
16:40 - 16:55
Conversation Lessons from nature: How national parks teach business responsibility Design Manifesto
Szymon Ziobrowski Tatrzański Park NarodowyModerator: Sylwia Hull-Wosiek
16:55 - 17:00
Design Manifesto
17:00 - 17:10
Pigułka narzędziowa How to prepare your organization for the future? Working with trends and change signals. Design Manifesto
Katarzyna Andrzejczyk-Briks Concordia Design
17:10 - 17:25
Power Speech DEVELOPMENT & EYES WIDE OPEN. How to simultaneously observe the world and look inward? Changing the point of observation Design Manifesto
Marta Niedźwiecka
17:25 - 17:35
Fireside chat DEVELOPMENT & INSPIRATION: How can business and culture learn from each other? Design Manifesto
Dominika Kawalerowicz Wrocławski Instytut KulturyModerator: Sylwia Hull-Wosiek
17:35 - 17:45
Pigułka narzędziowa How to think with questions? Critical thinking in business Design Manifesto
Agnieszka Pełka-Szajowska Concordia Design
17:45 - 18:05
Moderated discussion Eyes Wide Open: Why is it worth being ignorant in business? Design Manifesto
Kinga Nowacka Uniwersytet SWPS Anita Krasińska Inpost Anna Gorączka AllegroModerator: Edyta Paul Concordia Design
18:05 - 18:10
Design Manifesto
Hour Topic Speaker
13:00 - 13:05
Łukasz Grass
13:05 - 13:15
Keynote Nepotism is other people: the meritocracy myth, cognitive bias and elite overproduction Leadership
Anna Gromada
13:15 - 13:35
Moderated discussion Leadership in times of change Leadership
Justyna Ciępka Haleon Lech Gałkowski Santander Bank Polska Jakub Kłoczewiak Allegro Anna Grabowska Żabka GroupModerator: Michał Wąsowski
13:35 - 13:55
Moderated discussion Seeing Is Believing - The Power of Role Models for Women in Leadership Leadership
Magdalena Dziewguć Google Cloud Sylwia Gregorczyk-Abram Fundacja Wolne Sądy Katarzyna Janowska Onet.plModerator: Aleksandra Karasińska
13:55 - 14:10
Fireside chat The Art of Motivation Leadership
Andrzej J. Kozłowski EmitelModerator: Łukasz Grass
14:10 - 14:30
Moderated discussion The Future of Leadership: strategies and challenges for business leaders Leadership
Justyna Ciępka Haleon Magdalena Zmitrowicz Pekao S.A. Agnieszka Tokaj-Krzewska NCBR Krystian Jażdżewski Warsaw GenomicsModerator: Łukasz Grass
14:30 - 14:35
14:35 - 14:50
Fireside chat Bridging More Than One Gap: Modern Corporate Culture is So Much More Than Men vs Women Leadership
Sandra Bichl AllegroModerator: Łukasz Kijek
14:50 - 15:10
Moderated discussion Sustainable Leadership: creating an organization with a positive environmental impact Leadership
Radosław Kwiecień BGK Anna Rulkiewicz LuxMed Jacek Bogusławski UMWWModerator: Łukasz Grass
15:10 - 15:25
Fireside chat Leadership in times of transformation Leadership
Magdalena Kasiewicz HPEModerator: Łukasz Grass
15:25 - 15:30
Urban Next
15:30 - 15:50
Moderated discussion Innovations in public transport, electromobility and smart logistics Urban Next
Tomasz Wojtkiewicz Nextbike Bartłomiej Pawlak PFR Robert Pilarczyk UMWWModerator: Zbigniew Bartuś Dziennik Gazeta Prawna
15:50 - 16:15
Moderated discussion Shaping tomorrow’s digital cities Urban Next
Mark Barnett Mastercard Jacek Jaśkowiak Prezydent Miasta PoznaniaModerator: Łukasz Grass
16:15 - 16:35
Moderated discussion Use of data analytics, Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence in city development planning Urban Next
Damiano Cerrone UrbanistAI Olaf Osica Miasto st. Warszawa Iwona Matuszczak-Szulc Miasto PoznańModerator: Anna Wittenberg
16:35 - 16:55
Moderated discussion The role of the young generation of businessmen in the development of Poznań and the region Urban Next
Katja Lożina Miasto Poznań Przemysław Pawłowski VRP Piotr Rutkowski Lech Poznań Maja Rutkowska AmicaModerator: Łukasz Korycki Puls Biznesu
16:55 - 17:15
Moderated discussion Green investments in cities: modern technologies for sustainable cities Urban Next
Marek Kuzaka AMS Robert Jędrzejowski Pekabex Ewa Tyrka BGK Tomasz Kobierski Grupa MTP Jan Szyszko Ministerstwo Funduszy i Polityki RegionalnejModerator: Agnieszka Zaborowska
17:15 - 17:30
Fireside chat Co-Working, Co-Living, and operative real estate: revolutionizing the property market Urban Next
Franz Jurkowitsch WarimpexModerator: Łukasz Grass
17:30 - 17:45
Fireside chat Leadership. VeloBank. Od stagnacji do Rebela - leadership w ekstremalnej zmianie Leadership
Adam Marciniak VeloBankModerator: Mikołaj Kunica Business Insider
17:45 - 17:50
Hour Topic Speaker
13:00 - 13:15
Impact Arena powered by InCredibles and Puls Biznesu
Grzegorz Nawacki Jarosław Sroka Incredibles
13:15 - 13:40
Startup Pitch Contest Challange #1: Mission Impact Arena powered by InCredibles and Puls Biznesu
Sebastian Kulczyk Manta Ray vc Maria Belka Mentors4Starters Tomasz Karwatka Catch the Tornado Grzegorz Mazurek Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego Monika Borowiecka Tangent Line Sargheve Sukumaran Swapp Paweł Paczuski Upmedic Lech Kalinowski Panamint Piotr Falkowski pd meds Katarzyna Gryzło Hearme
13:40 - 13:50
Fireside chat Is impact the enemy of profit? Impact Arena powered by InCredibles and Puls Biznesu
Sebastian Kulczyk Manta Ray vcModerator: Grzegorz Nawacki
13:50 - 14:15
Startup Pitch Contest Challange #2: Crisis Impact Arena powered by InCredibles and Puls Biznesu
Sebastian Kulczyk Manta Ray vc Maria Belka Mentors4Starters Tomasz Karwatka Catch the Tornado Grzegorz Mazurek Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego Monika Borowiecka Tangent Line Sargheve Sukumaran Swapp Paweł Paczuski Upmedic Lech Kalinowski Panamint Piotr Falkowski pd meds Katarzyna Gryzło Hearme
14:15 - 14:25
Startup Pitch Contest Eliminations Impact Arena powered by InCredibles and Puls Biznesu
Sebastian Kulczyk Manta Ray vc Maria Belka Mentors4Starters Tomasz Karwatka Catch the Tornado Grzegorz Mazurek Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego Monika Borowiecka Tangent Line Sargheve Sukumaran Swapp Paweł Paczuski Upmedic Lech Kalinowski Panamint Piotr Falkowski pd meds Katarzyna Gryzło Hearme
14:25 - 14:45
Startup Pitch Contest Challange #3: Vision Impact Arena powered by InCredibles and Puls Biznesu
Sebastian Kulczyk Manta Ray vc Maria Belka Mentors4Starters Tomasz Karwatka Catch the Tornado Grzegorz Mazurek Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego Monika Borowiecka Tangent Line
14:45 - 14:50
Startup Pitch Contest Narada Jury i Fireside chat Impact Arena powered by InCredibles and Puls Biznesu
Grzegorz Nawacki Jarosław Sroka Incredibles
14:50 - 15:00
Startup Pitch Contest Winner announcement Impact Arena powered by InCredibles and Puls Biznesu
Sebastian Kulczyk Manta Ray vc Maria Belka Mentors4Starters Tomasz Karwatka Catch the Tornado Grzegorz Mazurek Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego Monika Borowiecka Tangent Line
15:00 - 15:20
EconoMY Challenge Impact Arena powered by InCredibles and Puls Biznesu
Łukasz Korycki Puls Biznesu Dorota Strojkowska Santander Bank Polska
15:20 - 15:25
15:25 - 15:40
Fireside chat Crossing borders: secrets to the success of a polish startup in the american business market Startup
Adam Wiśniewski AI Clearing Michael Mazur AI ClearingModerator: Zosia Wanat Sifted
15:40 - 16:05
Moderated discussion Corporations as drivers of startup success: A review of successful collaboration models Startup
Tomasz Owczarek Mastercard Piotr Bodył-Szymala Santander Bank Polska Piotr Bindas Totalizator Sportowy Marek Myszka PKO Bank PolskiModerator: Krzysztof Berenda RMF FM
16:05 - 16:30
Moderated discussion AI in the startup ecosystem Startup
Gary Brotman Secondmind Maciej Balsewicz bValue Fund Jakub Šuster elv.aiModerator: Zosia Wanat Sifted
16:30 - 16:50
Moderated discussion Go local or go global? Fintech growth directions Startup
Andreas Spengel Mastercard Marek Dworzański PayU GPO Fedele Di Maggio DiPocketModerator: Michał Wąsowski
16:50 - 16:55
16:55 - 17:15
Moderated discussion Analysis of achievements and challenges in building an innovative startup ecosystem Startup
Bartłomiej Gola PSIK Ignacy Niemczycki Ministerstwo Rozwoju i Technologii Maciej Sadowski Startup Hub Wojciech Tubek Surveily AIModerator: Anna Wittenberg
17:15 - 18:00
Startup Pitch Startup
Szabolcs Komjáthy Turbine AI Tomáš Halász Trollwall Gerald Tomasik Food Jack Edgars Stafeckis TrustLynx Jana Večerková Dolbite Margus Pala Eideasy Bartek Sobota Petsy
18:00 - 18:05
Hour Topic Speaker
13:00 - 13:05
Zuzanna Krzątała Vogue Polska
13:05 - 13:15
Keynote Art Lovers and Art Investors Culture
Piotr Krupa Kruk S.A. Katarzyna Młyńczak-Sachs Krupa Art Foundation
13:15 - 13:25
Keynote Art, the only real experimental exercise of freedom Culture
Boris Marte Erste Foundation
13:25 - 13:50
Moderated discussion What is art’s relationship to money? Culture
Boris Marte Erste Foundation Karolina Ochab Nowy Teatr Joanna Mytkowska Justyna Szylman Galeria ZachętaModerator: Zuzanna Krzątała Vogue Polska
13:50 - 14:10
Moderated discussion From culture to social change: how public institutions and business can change narratives Culture
Łucja Koch Muzeum POLIN Omenaa Mensah Omenaa Foundation Marta Cienkowska Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego Katarzyna Kucharska Centrum Szyfrów EnigmaModerator: Agnieszka Woźniak-Starak
14:10 - 14:15
14:15 - 14:30
Fireside chat With a camera in the crowd Culture
Jesse Eisenberg Moderator: Aleksandra Karasińska
14:30 - 14:55
Moderated discussion Empowering Creativity: Solutions for Supporting Cultural and Creative Sectors Culture
Jesse Eisenberg Ewa Puszczyńska Extreme Emotions Małgorzata Szumowska Łukasz Poniński Warner Bros. DiscoveryModerator: Michał Sznajder TVN24 BiS
14:55 - 15:10
Fireside chat What the stories of our grandmothers say about us. A discussion based on “Female Peasants” Culture
Joanna Kuciel-Frydryszak Moderator: Katarzyna Janowska
15:10 - 15:35
Moderated discussion On linguistic problems Culture
Michał Rusinek Małgorzata Majewska Uniwersytet JagiellońskiModerator: Kamila Kalińczak ĄĘ
15:35 - 15:55
Fireside chat Cancel culture Culture
Andrzej Leder Moderator: Magdalena Czyż Gazeta Wyborcza
15:55 - 16:05
Keynote Sustainability by design Culture
Alexis Georgacopoulos ECAL
16:05 - 16:25
Moderated discussion The power of crafts. New developments in Polish design Culture
Piotr Korduba UAM Anna Bera NÓW. Nowe Rzemiosło Maja Ganszyniec Maja Ganszyniec Studio Mateusz Sipiora Moderator: Hanna Rydlewska
16:25 - 16:35
Keynote How to create an Internet where everyone feels safe?
Marcin Olender Google
16:35 - 17:00
Moderated discussion #HateYou! How to fight lies and hatred on the Internet
Marcin Olender Google Małgorzata Kuśmierczyk Piotr Voelkel Moderator: Marek Zieliński Collegium Da Vinci
17:00 - 18:00
Lista 500 Lista 500 - Orły Rzeczpospolitej Rzeczpospolita Lista 500
19:00 - 20:00 Award Award Award
Hour Topic Speaker
13:10 - 13:15
Eastern Europe
13:15 - 13:25
Keynote The Perfect Spot: Poland in the Center of Europe Eastern Europe
Adam Szłapka Minister ds. Unii Europejskiej
13:25 - 13:55
Moderated discussion Russia after Putin Eastern Europe
Alexandra Polivanova Memorial Siergiej Miedwiediew Charles University in Prague Ivan Krastev Centre for Liberal StrategiesModerator: Wojciech Konończuk Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW)
13:55 - 14:25
Moderated discussion Is the West doing all it can? Eastern Europe
Misha Glenny The Institute for Human Sciences IWM Timothy Snyder Yale University Anne Applebaum The Atlantic Jason Stanley Yale UniversityModerator: Katarzyna Pisarska Warsaw Security Forum
14:25 - 14:35
Keynote Ukraine - financing of critical infrastructure today and in the future Eastern Europe
Grzegorz Rabsztyn EBI
14:35 - 14:40
Eastern Europe
14:40 - 15:05
Moderated discussion Is the threat of war real? And if so - is Europe ready? Eastern Europe
Marek Woźniak Marszałek Województwa Wielkopolskiego Jarosław Wolski Wolski o Wojnie Rajmund Andrzejczak Moderator: Maria Górska
15:05 - 15:20
Fireside chat Rescuing Freud Eastern Europe
Andrew Nagorski Polish-American Freedom FoundationModerator: Marci Shore Yale University
15:20 - 15:45
Moderated discussion European Union in Global Politics Eastern Europe
Ewa Kopacz Timothy Snyder Yale UniversityModerator: Sławomir Sierakowski Krytyka Polityczna
15:45 - 16:05
Fireside chat Chances for a political shift in Belarus Eastern Europe
Swiatłana Cichanouska Moderator: Sławomir Sierakowski Krytyka Polityczna
16:05 - 16:30
Moderated discussion A New Era of Global Dynamics Eastern Europe
Michał Lubina Uniwersytet JagiellońskiModerator: Jacek Żakowski Polityka
16:30 - 16:35
Eastern Europe
16:35 - 17:00
Moderated discussion Mafia in politics Eastern Europe
Ruben Mehrabyan AIISA Iulian Groza IPRE Misha Glenny The Institute for Human Sciences IWM Michał Wawrykiewicz Fundacja Wolne SądyModerator: Ramina Shut Open Ukraine Foundation
17:00 - 17:30
Fireside chat What does Poland’s past tell us about its future? Eastern Europe
Adam Michnik Gazeta WyborczaModerator: Marci Shore Yale University
17:30 - 17:50
Fireside chat Eastern Europe: How is it different from the rest of the world? Eastern Europe
Marci Shore Yale UniversityModerator: Justyna Kopińska
17:50 - 17:55
Eastern Europe
Hour Topic Speaker
12:30 - 13:00
Book signing Impact Bookstore
Peter Zeihan Anne Applebaum The Atlantic
13:00 - 13:30
Book signing Impact Bookstore
Martyna Wojciechowska UNAWEZA
13:30 - 14:00
Book signing Impact Bookstore
Michał Rusinek Joanna Kuciel-Frydryszak
14:00 - 14:30
Book signing Impact Bookstore
Verity Harding Cambridge University Andrew Nagorski Polish-American Freedom Foundation
14:30 - 15:15
Book signing Impact Bookstore
Natalia de Barbaro Chris Bailey
15:15 - 15:45
Book signing Impact Bookstore
Marta Niedźwiecka
15:45 - 16:15
Book signing Impact Bookstore
Joanna Flis Michał Lew-Starowicz Centrum Terapii Lew-Starowicz
16:15 - 16:45
Book signing Impact Bookstore
Jason Stanley Yale University Siergiej Miedwiediew Charles University in Prague
16:45 - 17:15
Book signing Impact Bookstore
Andrzej Gryżewski Arte Vita Instytut Psychoterapii i Seksuologii Andrzej Leder
17:15 - 17:45
Book signing Impact Bookstore
Michał Lubina Uniwersytet Jagielloński
Hour Topic Speaker
20:00 - 20:30
Moderated discussion My favorite artwork Impact Late Show! Wieczorne rozmowy Magazynu Mint
Piotr Krupa Kruk S.A. Omenaa Mensah Omenaa FoundationModerator: Aleksander Hudzik Mint
20:30 - 21:30
Moderated discussion How is Art Changing the World? Impact Late Show! Wieczorne rozmowy Magazynu Mint
Jesse Eisenberg Małgorzata Szumowska Justyna Kopińska Moderator: Aleksander Hudzik Mint
Hour Topic Speaker
13:00 - 13:05
Keynote Welcome speech Edukacja Przyszłości
13:05 - 13:30
Fireside chat Flexibility of young minds: responses of the young generation to a rapidly changing world Edukacja Przyszłości
Bogdan de Barbaro Moderator: Anna Kalczyńska
13:30 - 14:10
Moderated discussion How education adapts to the challenges of the 21st century Edukacja Przyszłości
Katarzyna Matczyszyn Politechnika Wrocławska Marek Kaczmarzyk Uniwersytet Śląski Dariusz Kulma Elitmat Marta Mikołajczak Szkoła w ChmurzeModerator: Anna Kalczyńska
14:10 - 14:30
Keynote Resilience in the face of reality: The key to emotional stability Edukacja Przyszłości
Sławomir Murawiec
14:30 - 15:10
Moderated discussion Education of the future: inclusion and neurodiversity Edukacja Przyszłości
Agata Todzia-Kornaś WUM Tomasz M.Gondek Europejskie Stowarzyszenie Psychiatryczne Maciej Błaszak UAM Jarosław Szulski Liceum Artes LiberalesModerator: Anna Kalczyńska
15:10 - 15:40
Moderated discussion Shaping minds of tomorrow - education in the face of global changes Edukacja Przyszłości
Andrzej Szeptycki Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego Bogumiła Kaniewska UAM Teofil Jesionowski Politechnika Poznańska Piotr Wachowiak SGHModerator: Anna Kalczyńska
15:40 - 16:05
Moderated discussion Edukacja Przyszłości
Dominika Bosek-Rak SGH Daniel Kaszyński SGHModerator: Bogumił Kamiński SGH
16:05 - 16:25
Fireside chat Direction Space - how to send an experiment to the International Space Station Edukacja Przyszłości
Sławosz Uznański ESAModerator: Joanna Przydatek Empiria i Wiedza
16:25 - 17:00
Fireside chat What should rectors know? Higher education in the light of data from the nationwide monitoring system of Economic Outcomes of Graduates Edukacja Przyszłości
Marek Rocki SGH Maciej Żukowski UEPModerator: Przemysław Brzuszczak SGH
Hour Topic Speaker
09:45 - 10:10
MC on stage General Session
Dan Ram
10:10 - 10:25
Keynote Defending your focus? General Session
Chris Bailey
10:25 - 10:30
Intro General Session
Jacek Jaśkowiak Prezydent Miasta Poznania
10:30 - 10:50
Fireside chat General Session
Sanna Marin Moderator: Marta Poślad Google
10:50 - 11:20
Moderated discussion Leadership for a New Generation General Session
Sanna Marin Francine Katsoudas Cisco Mark Barnett Mastercard Kasia Kieli Warner Bros. DiscoveryModerator: Piotr Kraśko Warner Bros. Discovery
11:20 - 11:25
General Session
11:25 - 11:50
Keynote Gen Z in Power General Session
Nathalie Roos LIPTON Teas and Infusions
11:50 - 12:15
Moderated discussion The promise of Artificial Intelligence General Session
Kenneth Cukier The Economist Aleksander Kutela Ringier Axel Springer Magdalena Wilczyńska NASKModerator: Bartosz Węglarczyk
12:15 - 12:25
Keynote Precision medicine: Leading where healthcare is going General Session
Mark Hicken Johnson&Johnson
12:25 - 12:35
Keynote Nomad Century: How To Survive The Climate Upheaval General Session
Gaia Vince
12:35 - 12:45
Break General Session
12:45 - 12:50
Artificial Intelligence
Dan Ram
12:50 - 13:05
Keynote To harness AI, we need more humanity Artificial Intelligence
Kenneth Cukier The Economist
13:05 - 13:30
Moderated discussion Can AI be reconciled with democracy? Artificial Intelligence
Bartosz Hojka Agora SA Edwin Bendyk Fundacja Batorego Marta Poślad Google Dariusz Standerski Ministerstwo CyfryzacjiModerator: Andrzej Stankiewicz
13:30 - 13:40
Keynote Mechatronics, AI & Sustainable Packaging Artificial Intelligence
Stefano La Rovere Amazon
13:40 - 13:45
Artificial Intelligence
13:45 - 13:55
Keynote What does AI mean for the creative industry? Artificial Intelligence
Diederik Veelo
13:55 - 14:20
Moderated discussion How will AI recognizing thoughts and emotions change the economy, politics, and education? Artificial Intelligence
Mariusz Dziurdzia PwC Agata Czech Haleon Paweł Borys MCI Łucja Barbaszewska CiscoModerator: Sebastian Ogórek
14:20 - 14:25
Artificial Intelligence
14:25 - 14:35
Keynote From codes to consciousness: The leap from computational to AI thinking Artificial Intelligence
Roozbeh Aliabadi ReadyAI
14:35 - 14:55
Moderated discussion What are the effects of AI on the European economy Artificial Intelligence
Marcin Kruczyk Ringier Axel Springer Filip Aszendorf BCG Platinion Peter Bakenecker Mastercard Magdalena Kotlarczyk GoogleModerator: Dan Ram
14:55 - 15:10
Fireside chat AI diagnosis: What challenges are delaying the AI revolution in healthcare? Artificial Intelligence
Bartłomiej Antczak Avanade Weronika Dejneka PZU Zdrowie
15:10 - 15:30
Moderated discussion The AI Advantage: Supercharging Productivity Artificial Intelligence
Piotr Marzec Google Valéry Gaucherand L'Oreal Katarzyna Dorsey Yosh.AI Chris Bailey Moderator: Bartosz Węglarczyk
15:30 - 15:45
Fireside chat European Perspective on the US Presidential Elections Artificial Intelligence
Bartosz Węglarczyk Onet.plModerator: Andrzej Stankiewicz
15:45 - 15:50
MC on stage Empiria i Wiedza
15:50 - 16:35
Moderated discussion Partnership in service and life: Aleksander and Jolanta Kwaśniewscy on the collaboration of men and women in politics and beyond Empiria i Wiedza
Aleksander Kwaśniewski Jolanta Kwaśniewska Moderator: Janusz Schwertner
16:35 - 16:55
Fireside chat General Session
Rafał Trzaskowski Prezydent Miasta st. WarszawyModerator: Huma Abedin
16:55 - 17:15
General Session
17:15 - 18:15
Fireside chat General Session
Michelle Obama Moderator: Valerie Jarrett Obama Foundation
Hour Topic Speaker
12:45 - 12:50
Digital Commerce
Bianca Lopes
12:50 - 13:05
Keynote Commerce 2030: Emerging tech trends shaping the future Digital Commerce
Nima Sepasy Mastercard
13:05 - 13:30
Moderated discussion How AI changes e-commerce? Digital Commerce
Nima Sepasy Mastercard Karol Ignatowicz Empik Mikołaj Wezdecki LPP Szymon Wałach InPostModerator: Weronika Chrzanowska ITCARD
13:30 - 13:50
Moderated discussion Digital Commerce: How to build a competitive advantage? Digital Commerce
Matthias Frechen Allegro Magdalena Kubisa BLIK Maciej Kasprzak Totalizator SportowyModerator: Michał Wąsowski
13:50 - 14:10
Moderated discussion Retail: why is the world jealous? Digital Commerce
Mikołaj Wezdecki LPP Szymon Wałach InPost Marcin Czyczerski ModivoModerator: Magdalena Kotlarczyk Google
14:10 - 14:15
Financial Tech
14:15 - 14:40
Moderated discussion Digital Revolution in Finance: Artificial Intelligence, Tokenization, Biometrics Financial Tech
Marta Życińska Mastercard Piotr Mazur PKO Bank Polski Dariusz Standerski Ministerstwo Cyfryzacji Michał Nowakowski Zackiewicz & PartnersModerator: Eugeniusz Twaróg Puls Biznesu
14:40 - 15:00
Moderated discussion Role of banks in the world of modern payments Financial Tech
Przemysław Furlepa BNP Paribas Halina Karpińska Millennium Bank Piotr Puchalski mBank Magdalena Proga-Stępień Santander Bank PolskaModerator: Monika Król BLIK
15:00 - 15:15
Fireside chat Future of Payments Financial Tech
Joanna Erdman Fundacja Polska BezgotówkowaModerator: Jacek Pochłopień Dziennik Gazeta Prawna
15:15 - 15:25
Keynote The Human Touch. What Part Should We Play in a Digital World? Financial Tech
Ignacy Morawski Puls Biznesu
15:25 - 15:45
Moderated discussion A Human Touch in the Age of AI Financial Tech
Artur Zabielski Provident Polska SA Krzysztof Rek Rzecznik Finansowy Marcin Waldowski BLIK Andrzej Burliga Santander Bank PolskaModerator: Karolina Wysota
15:45 - 16:05
Moderated discussion How will changing consumer needs and habits affect the future of banking? Financial Tech
Tomasz Owczarek Mastercard Łukasz Gradowski Pekao S.A. Katarzyna Dziwulska PKO Bank Polski Magdalena Proga-Stępień Santander Bank PolskaModerator: Michał Wąsowski
16:05 - 16:25
Moderated discussion "Enter PIN, Push Green" - has aged in a funny way. A brief history of the short life of innovative payment solutions in Poland Financial Tech
Małgorzata Domagała Mastercard Piotr Brewiński Fintech Poland Michał Sas Rzecznik Finansowy Joanna Seklecka eServiceModerator: Agnieszka Śpionek Mastercard Advisors
16:25 - 16:35
Keynote Personas in search of an author, or what marketers come up with Financial Tech
Jakub Kuczerepa
16:35 - 16:40
Financial Tech
Hour Topic Speaker
12:45 - 12:50
Industry 5.0
Paweł Oksanowicz
12:50 - 13:00
Keynote Digital Innovation: Don’t Believe Promises, Reach Sustainable Impact Industry 5.0
Nicolas Henchoz EPFL’s Design Research Center
13:00 - 13:20
Moderated discussion The future of modern economy: Perspectives and technological challenges in the world of industry and business Industry 5.0
Kamil Majczak Ciech SA Zbigniew Jagiełło Marcin Karasiński PKP Intercity Marek Garniewski ORLEN VCModerator: Anna Wittenberg Dziennik Gazeta Prawna
13:20 - 13:35
Fireside chat "Made in Poland" (about the modern Factory) Industry 5.0
Wiesław Gorzelak Dell TechnologiesModerator: Paweł Oksanowicz
13:35 - 13:45
Keynote From industrial to technological competencies: how Poland and the CEE Region can win their future in the AI era Industry 5.0
Ignacy Morawski Puls Biznesu Piotr Lewandowski Instytut Badań Strukturalnych
13:45 - 14:05
Moderated discussion Business drives to a clean future Industry 5.0
Emil Dembiński Volvo Car Poland Cezary Raczyński mLeasing Maciej Mazur PSNM Miłosz Motyka Ministerstwo Klimatu i ŚrodowiskaModerator: Dominika Tarczyńska Polsat News
14:05 - 14:10
Industry 5.0
14:10 - 14:25
Fireside chat Humanize digitalization: people in the driver’s seat of digital transformation Industry 5.0
Łukasz Otta SiemensModerator: Paweł Oksanowicz
14:25 - 14:35
Keynote Futureproof - Business Needs in a Changing World. Report Launch Industry 5.0
Maksymilian Bielecki Uniwersytet SWPS
14:35 - 14:55
Moderated discussion Futureproof - More Than Trends. Building Strategic Advantage through Collaboration with Science Industry 5.0
Ewa Ger Uniwersytet SWPS Konrad Maj Uniwersytet SWPS Jakub Borowiec PwC Tina Sobocińska HR4FutureModerator: Karolina Wójcik SWPS Innowacje
14:55 - 15:15
Moderated discussion Human capital in the era of industry 5.0: how to shape skills for the future? Industry 5.0
Ewa Lis-Jeżak IDC Polska Maciej Filipkowski Zaprojektuj swoje życie Dominika Bucholc Campus AI Poland Łukasz Szałankiewicz my3DaudioModerator: Paweł Oksanowicz
15:15 - 15:35
Moderated discussion The new era of work and learning in the context of Industry 5.0: Digital transformation utilizing artificial intelligence and innovative security solutions as the key to creating workspaces that foster innovation and efficiency Industry 5.0
Bogumił Kamiński SGH Joanna Hetnarowicz-Sikora IUSTITIA Jan Szajda Identt Paweł Augustyn NFOSiGWModerator: Marta Bierca Wise Rabbit
15:35 - 15:40
15:40 - 15:50
Keynote IAF Fostering Space Collaborations for a Sustainable Future Space
Christian Feichtinger IAF
15:50 - 16:15
Moderated discussion Building Space Businesses for Earth Space
Christian Feichtinger IAF Agnieszka Łukaszczyk PLANET Raphael Roettgen E2MC Space Justyna Redelkiewicz EUSPAModerator: Łukasz Wilczyński European Space Foundation
16:15 - 16:35
Moderated discussion More than a space programme - transformative benefits of space to the wider economy and society Space
Tadeusz Uhl AGH/Impact Marcin Mazur POLSA Sonja Biscan European Space Policy Institute Sławosz Uznański ESAModerator: Hubert Kijek Warner Bros. Discovery
16:35 - 16:45
Keynote Dreaming big is not enough. Why we should transform the way we think about space exploration to make it sustainable, inclusive and worth our while Space
Joanna Pyrkosz-Pacyna AGH
16:45 - 16:50
Hour Topic Speaker
12:45 - 12:50
Women Empowerment
Igor Sokołowski
12:50 - 13:00
Keynote Women - leaders of change Women Empowerment
Barbara Nowacka Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej
13:00 - 13:20
Moderated discussion Fair to women - cultural and business strategies for breaking barriers for women Women Empowerment
Agata Włodkowska Vistula Marcin Klucznik Polski Instytut Ekonomiczny Monika Fill Instytut Vox Feminae Rafał Sekuła EmitelModerator: Martyna F. Zachorska
13:20 - 13:30
Keynote Empowerment starts with the roots Women Empowerment
Irma Veberič Roche
13:30 - 13:50
Moderated discussion Building harmony in society. The role of social policies in shaping healthy intergender relationships through cooperation and communication Women Empowerment
Aleksandra Gajewska MRPiPS Wojciech Skrudlik GSK Aleksandra Dulkiewicz Prezydentka Miasta Gdańska Magdalena Pietrusik-Adamska Miasto Poznań Bartosz Marczuk PFRModerator: Wiktoria Jakubowska-Karbowniczek
13:50 - 14:00
Keynote Shedding light on cyberviolence in relationships. Women Empowerment
Leszek Tasiemski Withsecure
14:00 - 14:05
Women Empowerment
14:05 - 14:25
Moderated discussion Impact of organizational culture on the development of women's leadership Women Empowerment
Dorota Strojkowska Santander Bank Polska Sylwia Piankowska Haleon Alicja Hadryś Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu Jolanta Bańczerowska Żabka GroupModerator: Magdalena Szuber-Zasacka Ambasada RP w Berlinie
14:25 - 14:35
Keynote Who you will be tomorrow starts today Women Empowerment
Anna Rulkiewicz LuxMed
14:35 - 14:55
Moderated discussion AI and Gender Equality - how technology can shape equality and break stereotypes Women Empowerment
Aleksandra Sroka-Krzyżak Allegro Oliwia Sagan Girls Future Ready Dalida Gepfert Enea Jagoda Zakrzewska GoogleModerator: Paulina Kirschke Fundacja im. Julii Woykowskiej
14:55 - 15:15
Moderated discussion The importance of communication in gender relations - how listening and mutual understanding can lead to harmonious relationships Women Empowerment
Katarzyna Kamińska Rzecznik Finansowy Paulina Stochniałek UMWW Gabriela Ziółkowska-Coyne OpsTalentModerator: Marta Tabiś-Szymanek Elle
15:15 - 15:35
Moderated discussion Women Empowerment
Magdalena Sobkowiak-Czarnecka KPRM Jolanta Gawęda Fundacja Feminoteka Dorota Haller RASPModerator: Aleksandra Karasińska Forbes Women
15:35 - 15:40
Certyfikat Równości Płac - wręczenie DGP
15:40 - 16:10
Moderated discussion Pay equality - whim, obligation, necessity? Why the gender pay gap doesn't pay off for both employees and employers Certyfikat Równości Płac - wręczenie DGP
Sebastian Sajnóg PIE Joanna Burnos Leaders Institute Katarzyna Woszczyna Alliance Business Connect Katarzyna Broniarek-Niemczycka IKEA Retail PolskaModerator: Zbigniew Bartuś Dziennik Gazeta Prawna
16:10 - 16:35
Certyfikat Równości Płac - wręczenie DGP Certyfikat Równości Płac - wręczenie DGP
Hour Topic Speaker
12:45 - 12:50
Michał Giersz
12:50 - 13:10
Fireside chat Screening and proper diagnostics - key success factors for a healthier society Health
Jörg-Michael Rupp RocheModerator: Aleksandra Filipovic SPCC
13:10 - 13:30
Moderated discussion The significance of real-world data (RWE) for the development of medicine: From drug regulation and safety to innovative healthcare model Health
Małgorzata Gałązka-Sobotka Instytut Zarządzania w Ochronie Zdrowia Tomasz Jeruzalski Centrum e-zdrowie Daniel Flis Iqvia Jan Pachocki JutroMedicalModerator: Dorota Mielcarek WP abcZdrowie
13:30 - 13:40
Keynote It's the PREVENTION, stupid! Why does everyone talk beautifully about prevention, but no one really wants to implement it? Health
Maciej Banach Johns Hopkins University
13:40 - 13:55
Fireside chat Empowering Healthcare Through AI Health
Geraldine Schenk Johnson&JohnsonModerator: Michał Giersz
13:55 - 14:05
Keynote Beyond chatbots: what generative AI unlocks for healthcare Health
Marcin Sieniek Google
14:05 - 14:25
Moderated discussion Standards and practices of quality management - how AI and new technologies can enhance healthcare quality Health
Maciej Piotrowski Iqvia Anna Loughran Novartis Marcin Sieniek Google Dominik Swadźba uPacjentaModerator: Jean-Marc Bourez EiT Health
14:25 - 14:30
14:30 - 14:45
Fireside chat Human-AI gap Health
Rachel Dzieran Navy SEALs FundModerator: Krzysztof Berenda RMF FM
14:45 - 15:05
Moderated discussion From risk to remedy – Polish biotech's answers to sustain stable drug and diagnostics supply during shortages. Health
Konstantin Matentzoglu Polpharma Biologics Katarzyna Rolle Instytut Chemii Bioorganicznej PAN Dariusz Adamusiński MedTech PolskaModerator: Joanna Bekker Polityka Insight
15:05 - 15:25
Moderated discussion Modern healthcare system with patient value – the role of prevention, education, and public-private partnership Health
Agnieszka Kępińska-Sadowska Haleon Jakub Adamski Rzecznik Praw Pacjenta Agnieszka Mastalerz-Migas Polskie Towarzystwo Medycyny Rodzinnej Marek Tomków Naczelna Izba AptekarskaModerator: Dorota Mielcarek WP abcZdrowie
15:25 - 15:35
Keynote How do innovations in radiology based on artificial intelligence help patients in the fight against lung diseases? Health
Jakub Musiałek Pixel Technology Wojciech Olszewski Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Lubuskiego
15:35 - 15:40
Future Societies
15:40 - 15:50
Keynote Social policy in response to the changing needs of society Future Societies
Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bąk Ministerstwo Rodziny Pracy i Polityki Społecznej
15:50 - 16:10
Moderated discussion The future of education in societies of the future: How to adapt educational systems to continuous technological and professional change? Future Societies
Michał Nowakowski Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych Piotr Dardziński Politechnika Warszawska Anna Marciniak NCBR Maria Mrówczyńska Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa WyższegoModerator: Bogusław Chrabota Rzeczpospolita
16:10 - 16:20
Keynote Will our leadership skip breakfast again? A sequel to culture eats strategy for breakfast Future Societies
Kata Fredheim Stockholm School of Economics
16:20 - 16:30
Keynote Neurodiversity in service of her royal convenience - How to live better by living differently Future Societies
Joanna Jurga Otodom
16:30 - 16:35
Future Societies
Hour Topic Speaker
12:45 - 12:50
Łukasz Grass
12:50 - 13:10
Moderated discussion MEDIA AND TECHNOLOGY. A Common Future With New Rules
Aleksander Kutela Ringier Axel Springer Jacek Świderski WP Holding Dorota Żurkowska Warner Bros. DiscoveryModerator: Maciej Kossowski Związek Pracodawców Wydawców Cyfrowych
13:10 - 13:20
Keynote From Top Minds to Top Dollar: Lessons in Success from U.S. Universities Modern State
Mark Brzezinski Ambasador USA w Polsce
13:20 - 13:30
Keynote State that works. Where to look for inspirations Modern State
Wojciech Woźniak Uniwersytet Łódzki
13:30 - 13:55
Moderated discussion Education as public policy: schools Modern State
Joanna Mucha Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej Paula Pustułka Uniwersytet SWPS Wojciech Woźniak Uniwersytet Łódzki Wiktor Zieliński Fundusz Stypendialny TALENTYModerator: Karolina Słowik-Garbiak Gazeta Wyborcza
13:55 - 14:05
Keynote Helsinki Central Library Oodi - reading, learning, participating and sharing Modern State
Ulla Leinikka Oodi
14:05 - 14:30
Moderated discussion Education as public policy: universities Modern State
Maria Mrówczyńska Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego Janusz Uriasz Polska Komisja Akredytacyjna Bogumiła Kaniewska UAM Roman Cieślak Uniwersytet SWPS Kewin Lewicki Parlament Studentów Rzeczypospolitej PolskiejModerator: Przemysław Sadura Uniwersytet Warszawski
14:30 - 14:35
Modern State
14:35 - 14:45
Keynote Realising the mass public benefit of psychological therapies for mental health problems: science, politics and economics Modern State
David Clark IAPT
14:45 - 15:10
Moderated discussion Mental health as public policy Modern State
Marta Golbik Sejm Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej Agnieszka Popiel Uniwersytet SWPS Piotr Gałecki Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi Bernadetta Izydorczyk Uniwersytet JagiellońskiModerator: Judyta Watoła Gazeta Wyborcza
15:10 - 15:20
Keynote How to reduce polarization in Poland? Modern State
Wawrzyniec Smoczyński Uniwersytet SWPS
15:20 - 15:30
Keynote Right Policies vs. Sound Democracy: A Short Story of a Mixup Modern State
Maciej Kisilowski Central European University
15:30 - 15:55
Moderated discussion Rule of law and civic society Modern State
Maciej Kisilowski Central European University Maciej Duszczyk Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych i Administracji Zuzanna Rudzińska-Bluszcz Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości Katarzyna Bąkowicz Uniwersytet SWPSModerator: Sylwia Gregorczyk-Abram Fundacja Wolne Sądy
15:55 - 16:15
Fireside chat When Experts Become Reformers: How to Balance Competence and Politics? Modern State
Adam Bodnar Ministerstwo SprawiedliwościModerator: Wawrzyniec Smoczyński Uniwersytet SWPS
16:15 - 16:20
Modern State
Hour Topic Speaker
12:45 - 12:50
Jerzy Mielewski Polsat Sport
12:50 - 13:00
Keynote Business Insider Impact Future - 11 trends that will change your business
Monika Borycka TrendRadar
13:00 - 13:20
Moderated discussion Insider Future Challange - Trends that will change EVERYTHING
Monika Borycka TrendRadar Jarosław Królewski SyneriseModerator: Mikołaj Kunica Business Insider
13:20 - 13:50
Moderated discussion Artificial intelligence - at the intersection of new technologies, are we able to control digital reality?
Dino Metaxas L’Oréal Dorota Haller RASP Tomasz Woźniak FutureMindModerator: Grzegorz Kowalczyk Business Insider
13:50 - 13:55
MC on stage Sports & Tourism Marketing
13:55 - 14:15
Fireside chat Life After a Career in Professional Sports - Nurturing Young Talent Sports & Tourism Marketing
Marcin Gortat Moderator: Grzegorz Nawacki
14:15 - 14:40
Moderated discussion How Sports Powers Profits - Sports Marketing as a Driver of Business Success Sports & Tourism Marketing
Karol Klimczak Lech Poznań Monika Pyrek Rafał Krzemień Totalizator Sportowy Piotr Borys Ministerstwo Sportu i TurystykiModerator: Grzegorz Nawacki
14:40 - 14:55
Fireside chat Extreme sports - breaking unbreakable records on the highest peaks Sports & Tourism Marketing
Andrzej Bargiel Ambasador marki LOTTOModerator: Grzegorz Nawacki
14:55 - 15:10
Fireside chat A New National Sports Strategy for Poland - Discussing Priorities and Directions of Change Sports & Tourism Marketing
Sławomir Nitras Ministerstwo Sportu i TurystykiModerator: Grzegorz Nawacki
15:10 - 15:35
Moderated discussion Inequalities in sports. Is competition fair play? Sports & Tourism Marketing
Monika Pyrek Jerzy Mielewski Polsat Sport Katarzyna Zillmann Marcin Oleksy Moderator: Grzegorz Nawacki
15:35 - 15:50
Fireside chat My road to the Olympics and 6 gold medals Sports & Tourism Marketing
Natalia Partyka Moderator: Grzegorz Nawacki
15:50 - 16:10
Moderated discussion Poland (tourism). More Than you expected. Sports & Tourism Marketing
Piotr Borys Ministerstwo Sportu i Turystyki Rafał Szmytke Polska Organizacja Turystyczna Paweł Lewtak Syrena Hotels Group Paula Fanderowska Kraków5020Moderator: Sergiusz Ryczel Dobrze Gada
16:10 - 16:15
Sports & Tourism Marketing
Hour Topic Speaker
12:45 - 12:50
Marketing & Digital Consumers powered by Mastercard
Zuzanna Krzątała Vogue Polska
12:50 - 13:00
Keynote Digital legacy - nothing comes to the end Marketing & Digital Consumers powered by Mastercard
Arkadiusz Szulczyński Brunch Marketingowy
13:00 - 13:20
Moderated discussion Future is accessible Marketing & Digital Consumers powered by Mastercard
Olga Sztuba Google Marcin Oleksy Adrian Now W ciemnoModerator: Anna Marciniak Mastercard
13:20 - 13:30
Keynote The Role of AI in Restoring Walking Abilities Marketing & Digital Consumers powered by Mastercard
Tristan Vouga Twiice
13:30 - 13:35
Marketing & Digital Consumers powered by Mastercard
13:35 - 14:00
Moderated discussion Excuse me, am I speaking with a human? Marketing & Digital Consumers powered by Mastercard
Małgorzata Domagała Mastercard Rafał Jakubowski Santander Bank Polska Jakub Olek Tik Tok Marcin Morawski Dell TechnologiesModerator: Arkadiusz Szulczyński Brunch Marketingowy
14:00 - 14:20
Moderated discussion Big Data and Creativity for Good - a new paradigm in contemporary marketing Marketing & Digital Consumers powered by Mastercard
Jerzy Hołub Mastercard Wojciech Borowski McCann PolandModerator: Zofia Smełka-Leszczyńska
14:20 - 14:40
Moderated discussion Revolutionizing Brands: Unleashing the Power of Online Creators Marketing & Digital Consumers powered by Mastercard
Robert Makłowicz Michał Marszał Jan Mazurczak PLOTModerator: Arkadiusz Szulczyński Brunch Marketingowy
14:40 - 15:00
Moderated discussion Gaming for Everyone - True or False? Marketing & Digital Consumers powered by Mastercard
Tadeusz Zieliński Polsat Games Dominika Szot GRID esports Jerzy Hołub MastercardModerator: Arkadiusz Szulczyński Brunch Marketingowy
15:00 - 15:15
Fireside chat How stable is the sustainability trend? Marketing & Digital Consumers powered by Mastercard
Jacek Ostrowski Yellow OctopusModerator: Zuzanna Krzątała Vogue Polska
15:15 - 15:25
Keynote Importance of first-party data Marketing & Digital Consumers powered by Mastercard
Aman Dogra Financial Times
15:25 - 15:45
Moderated discussion Achieving global success in AI - stories of Polish companies Marketing & Digital Consumers powered by Mastercard
Tomasz Chłodecki Justtag Group Maciej Mylik Eleven Labs Pawel Osterreicher ReSpo.Vision Magdalena Kotlarczyk GoogleModerator: Sebastian Ogórek
15:45 - 15:50
Marketing & Digital Consumers powered by Mastercard
Hour Topic Speaker
09:00 - 10:00
Workshop The Value of Executive Thought Leadership (workshop in English) Workshops
Kris Błaszczyk LinkedIn
13:00 - 14:00
Workshop Workshops
Chris Bailey
14:30 - 16:00
Workshop Modern application of ancient rhetoric (workshop in Polish) Workshops
Michał Rusinek
Hour Topic Speaker
12:30 - 13:00
Book signing Bookstore
Bogusław Chrabota Rzeczpospolita
13:00 - 13:30
Book signing Bookstore
Bartosz Węglarczyk Adam Bodnar Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości
13:30 - 14:15
Book signing Bookstore
Kenneth Cukier The Economist Ivan Krastev Centre for Liberal Strategies
14:30 - 15:00
Book signing Bookstore
Gaia Vince Sławomir Sierakowski Krytyka Polityczna
14:45 - 15:15
Book signing Bookstore
Aleksander Kwaśniewski
15:15 - 15:45
Book signing Bookstore
Timothy Snyder Yale University Justyna Kopińska
15:45 - 16:15
Book signing Bookstore
Martyna F. Zachorska Zofia Krawiec
Hour Topic Speaker
13:00 - 13:40
Moderated discussion Projects that Inspire - How Educational and Scientific Initiatives Shape the Young Generations Edukacja Przyszłości
Marta Zynek Empiria i Wiedza Dariusz Kulma Elitmat Sławosz Uznański ESAModerator: Anna Kalczyńska
13:40 - 14:00
Fireside chat Bridging generations: Building relationships through understanding limitations Edukacja Przyszłości
Marek Kaczmarzyk Uniwersytet ŚląskiModerator: Dawid Mędrala Sympozjum Naukowe Neurodydaktyki
14:00 - 14:40
Moderated discussion Education without borders: How studying abroad shapes global leaders Edukacja Przyszłości
Jan Bartkowiak Econverse Martin Mycielski Fundacja Otwarty Dialog Błażej Moder EC1 Łódź - Miasto Kultury Adam Dziedzic Forum Wiedzy i EdukacjiModerator: Nina Wieretiło EduCat
14:40 - 15:00
Keynote The Age of Centaurs — How Can We Leverage Generative AI to Become AI-Ready and 10X Our Learning Edukacja Przyszłości
Jan Bartkowiak Econverse
Hour Topic Speaker
13:30 - 14:30
Workshop How do you take care of LGBT+ people in the workplace and why should you? (Workshop in Polish) - warsztat otwarty Workshops
Mateusz Sulwiński Grupa Stonewall
Hour Topic Speaker
15:00 - 16:00
Workshop Do something that matters. A career workshop in cyber security. (Workshop in Polish) - warsztat otwarty Workshops
Adam Marczyński NASK Maciej Siciarek NASK Magdalena Wilczyńska NASK
Hour Topic Speaker
13:00 - 14:00
Workshop Inclusive language - opportunity or oppression? (Workshop in Polish) Workshops
Judyta Rozmus IKEA Retail Maciej Makselon Zmieniamy Narrację